

Hotel Kap Farvel 05

Hotel Kap Farvel

Hotel Kap Farvel comprises 20 rooms and is divided into two wings. The new wing has a 2-star rating.
Evening light over the museum and old town parts of Nanortalik in South Greenland. Photo by Mads Pihl - Visit Greenland

Nanortalik Museum

Nanortalik Museum is beautifully situated in the old colonial port area as an open air museum, covering almost all buildings in the area.
An evening view of the white church in Nanortalik in South Greenland. Photo by Mads Pihl - Visit Greenland

Nanortalik Tourism Service

Nanortalik Tourism Service has existed since 1999, and thereby has many years of experience of dealing with guests and developing both short trips and trips lasting several days.
Frontside view of NTS Rooms in Nanortalik, South Greenland. Photo by Nanortalik Tourism Service

NTS Rooms

NTS Rooms in Nanortalik offers six quality apartments sleeping a total of 14 people.
Tupilak Youth Hostel

Tupilak Youth hostel

The Tupilak youth hostel is situated in the centre of Nanortalik.

Tasermiut Camp - Nanortalik

We are a tourist company with the main goal to do guided tours around South Greenland, primarily near Nanortalik.

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Kalaallit Nunaanni attaveqarnernut atortulersuutinik ineriartortitsinermut pilersaarutit

Kalaallit Nunaata attaveqarnermut atortulersuutinullu atatillugu ineriartortitsinera maannakkorpiaq oqaluttuarisaanermi immikkuullarilluinnartumik inissisimavoq.