West Greenland Wildlife – Fishing and adventure at the Polar Circle
As a locally-based tour operator, at West Greenland Wildlife we specialise in fishing and adventure trips at the Polar Circle in western Greenland. We have the privilege of exclusive access to more than 15 km of river near the Polar Circle.
We offer sport fishers and adventurers the opportunity to have a unique wildlife experience far from usual tourist routes. Our small groups of nature-loving guests are only disturbed by a passer-by moscus ox or the occasional hovering eagle.
West Greenland Wildlife also offers a thrilling encounter with Greenlandic sealer culture. Our camp is set in a traditional fishing grounds accessed and used exclusively by the Fontaine family for generations. The camp is the year-round base of our activities: reindeer hunting, seal hunting and fishing.
In the summer we smoke, salt and dry arctic char to eat or save for winter. Our guests take part in these activities and get unique insight into traditional culture and customs.
Our mission is to create a sustainable tourism that can help protect the unique nature we have been given in Greenland.
– Leif Fontaine, fisherman and hunter and founder of West Greenland Wildlife
Paarnaqutit 15
Postbox 119
3911 Sisimiut
Phone: (+299) 55 11 34
E-mail: info@westgreenlandwildlife.com