We know it takes a big financial investment to attend an international trade show, so why should you even bother? Here we have collected quotes from local operators who attended some of the big trade shows in 2019, to explain why it is worth it.
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This is a huge annual event organised by the Adventure Travel Trade Association, which brings adventure travel professionals together to network, learn, grow and partner across a few days of varied events. In 2019 it was hosted by Visit West Sweden in Gothenburg.
For the first time ever in 2019, Greenland had its own “lounge” at ATWS. This means that we had a whole room throughout the event dedicated to Greenland, and we also had the opportunity to bring regional DMOs and regional operators to the event with us.
“Being new in the industry and attending ATWS has been very rewarding. It did not only open doors and opportunities for us, we also learned many things.”
– Adam Kjeldsen, Two Ravens
“We participate because we want a greater business to business relationship. We have since discovered that it takes longer than expected to create some good relationships. But to show that we are serious players in the market, we have gone to the same fairs two years in a row as it proves that we have come to stay.”
– Martin Sørensen, Greenland Fiord Tours
“I got some really good contacts at ATWS. At the same time, I got a much better understanding of the industry in general. The internal Greenlandic contacts I got during the fair will definitely also make a difference.”
– Salik Parbst Frederiksen, Tasermiut Camp
The next ATWS will be held in Adelaide, South Australia, in October 2020, and registration is already open. Learn more about the event here.
Seatrade Cruise Global is the largest cruise industry gathering in the world. It takes place every year in April in Miami, Florida. The event in 2019 saw a big delegation from Greenland, with 13 companies attending.
“This fair has given us much to think about. We’ve realised that we are not the only ones to have a big focus on sustainable tourism.”
– Pitsi Høegh, Greenland Sagalands
“This fair offers the opportunity to expand and develop cruise tourism in Greenland, as well as the opportunity to invest in facilities and equipment for handling passengers and excursions. That’s why Miami is important to us, because here we meet our future customers.”
– Jørgen Larsen, Albatros Arctic Circle
“This is my first time attending Seatrade, and it has been exciting and rewarding to meet many of the people we know only from emails and phone. The personal contact means that the tour organisers at the cruise shipping companies will be more comfortable with their arrival in Greenland and thus also dare to offer more of the more special experiences.”
– Henrik Skydsbjerg, Tupilak Travel
As part of Visit Greenland’s stronger focus on sustainability, we will stop attending Seatrade Cruise Global from 2021 onwards. As well as to reduce the environmental impact of our international activities, the aim of this decision is to move our focus away from large cruise ships to smaller, expedition ships. Greenland will continue to be represented at Seatrade Global by local Greenlandic operators, and Visit Greenland will continue to attend Seatrade Europe, which will next take place in Hamburg in September 2021. Learn more about Seatrade Europe and Seatrade Global.
Vestnorden is the annual trade show for tourism in the West Nordic countries – Greenland, Iceland and the Faroe Islands – where local operators meet with buyers from 20+ countries. In 2019, it was held in the Faroe Islands.
“For me, this is one of the most important travel fairs of the year, as I get to meet the operators I work with on a daily basis, but also the agents with whom I sell Greenland. It is a great way to create and maintain our close relationship.”
– Lisbeth Andersen, Greenland Travel
“It’s important to join Vestnorden as it’s key to creating and upholding business partners, and old and new contacts.”
– Anders Lykke Laursen, Nuuk Water Taxi
The location of Vestnorden rotates between the 3 countries, and in 2021 it will be back in Greenland. Vestnorden 2020, therefore, will be a great opportunity to make initial connections with clients whom you will be welcoming to Greenland in 2021. Learn more about the event here.
To see a full list of the trade shows Visit Greenland plans on attending in 2020, click here.
It is sometimes possible to apply for funding to help with the costs of traveling to a trade show. Greenland Business has an export fund which can sometimes help. Get in touch with them for more information.
If you have further questions about attending trade shows, please write to us at b2b@visitgreenland.com.